Summer time relaxation doesn’t have to mean taking a trip away from home. The most enjoyable outdoor retreats incorporate familiar elements like your front/backyard and your garden. Add to that quality outdoor furniture, your deck, balcony, porch, or patio can easily become a destination too. Designing outdoor entertaining areas in your home takes a bit of planning and quite expensive. But there is a simple and inexpensive ways to turn your basic backyard into a stay-cation paradise.
A distance Pine Tree is perfect place for our hammock. We have a half acre land perfect for gardening and outdoor games.
My ideal vacation filled with quiet "me" time while submersed in nature. |
Rallt Camping Hammock is durable and lightweight is great for gear for hiking, backpacking, and survival available in double or single. It is available through Amazon website for an affordable price.
Not every home has a million-dollar view, but our backyard's view is
priceless. Looking at natural greenery and giving our eyes a chance to
rest upon nature is a great way to enjoy our new home. |
I live in the country and I have a beautiful backyard view as well. I need to add a hammock! Your back yard looks beautiful and so peaceful.
ReplyDeleteWe had a hammock growing up and it was one of my favorite places to hang out. I would always take a book to read and it never failed I usually would wind up falling asleep in the hammock. Such fun times and fond memories.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had a place to put a hammock! I love relaxing in them, but we don't have any trees! I'm very jealous of your glorious weekend!
ReplyDeleteI have been wanting a stand hammock for some time. I have a friend who has one of these and takes it camping and they sleep in it.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had a hammock to enjoy reading outside! I can't wait to spend the weekend at home and with my pup.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful weekend. Sometimes staying home and just relaxing is the best vacation of all. I am jealous that you have the trees in the backyard to tie up the hammock. I would love to do that.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all that hammock looks perfect! I love living in a place surrounded by so much green, I love visiting cities, but I like to come back to a place where I feel like I can suck in some fresh air and enjoy all the life around me <3
ReplyDeleteI've long fancied a hammock in the back garden sadly I don't have anywhere to hang one, but perhaps one day you never know.
ReplyDeleteI love hanging out in a hammock. It's one of the most relaxing ways to spend your time at home!
ReplyDeleteThe hammock looks like it was very peaceful. And it looks like you had a glorious day, which is the most important part.
ReplyDeleteI will have to use your words to encourage my husband to come around that we just need to stay put this summer. He keeps pushing for a summer vacation, but I am so tired, I dot' want to go anywhere. I'm just looking forward to not spending hours and hours of time n the car each day!
ReplyDeleteI love weekends when we are home. Sometimes I just need the time to not be running around like crazy.
ReplyDeleteWe have woods in the back of our house and I would love to get a hammock to relax in.
ReplyDeleteYou are right about summer time not meaning a vacation away from home. A Staycation is a great way to relax this summer. I love the idea of the putting a hammock in the backyard enjoy the beautiful of the mother nature. Thanks for sharing Thanks for sharing the idea.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have a hammock in my backyard to read and nap in!! Plus I think my Sophie pup would love it too!!
ReplyDeleteThis is what I wish I had. I have lived my entire life in the city. The fast paced life and city noise pretty much describes what my day is like. As soon as all the kids are done with college, we are moving to the country!
ReplyDeleteHow relaxing it would be to have that whole expanse of land as your backyard! It is so nice to live in the country where you are so close to nature and life is a whole lot simpler.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful back yard, I wish we had such a beautiful view! Putting a hammock in the back yard sounds like a great idea!
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